Cambium News Magazine Blog Theme

Cambium News Magazine Blog WordPress Theme from DesignOrbital.
Cambium theme is a fully responsive and modern WordPress blog theme specially crafted for the magazines, news, lifestyle and blog sites.
It is packed with an easy to configure customizer options. Cambium has content focused design without any clutter and unnecessary distractions.
Cambium has beautiful typography, elegant design and useful theme options. You can customize your website very easily by using this magazine blog WordPress theme. It is light weight theme that is built with the modern technologies.
Main features of this Cambium Magazine Blog WP Theme are:
AdSense Ready, AdSense Auto Ads Ready, bbPress Compatible, Content Focused, Content Options, Customizer Options, Custom Colors, Custom Background, Custom Buttons, Custom Footer Copyright, Custom Header, Custom Menus, Custom Page Templates, Custom Tables, Custom Widgets, Featured Content, Featured Images, Font Awesome, Fullwidth Archives, Fullwidth Page Template, Google Fonts, Gutenberg Compatible, Highlight Content, HTML5 and CSS3, Infinite Scroll, Instagram Widget, Jetpack, Multiple Menus, Numbered Pagination, Post Carousel Widget, Pull Quotes, Recent Posts Widget, Responsive Layout, Retina Optimized, Right and Left Sidebar, RTL Fully Support, Schema Markup, SEO Friendly, Site Hero, Site Logo, Social Media Links, Sticky Menu, Sticky Sidebar, Suave Typography, Threaded Comments, Translation Ready, Widget Ready.
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